Chiropractic Treatment
P. S (Mother of 2 children)
I started to have pains in the lower part of my back and could not bend forward, sit, stand for a longer period of time or even lie in my bed without pain. After seeing different specialists without any improvements I went to see Dr. Kazuhiko Suto. With gentle manipulations Dr. Kazuhiko Suto progressively recited the position of my spine. At the beginning of the treatment my whole body was very sore and I felt tired, but soon I could feel my body responding to the treatment. The treatment went on for approximately 3 weeks and Dr. Kazuhiko Suto also "worked" on the cervical area releasing a lot of tension in my head, which had given me strong headaches for several years and for which nobody else had found the cause. Something very important to stress is that Dr. Kazuhiko Suto helped me to understand how my skeleton and nervous system work together and to "listen" to my body when it hurts meaning that I probably use a wrong position. Dr. Kazuhiko Suto's advice I go swimming 2 or 3 times a week and I now feel very fine.
M. B (Engineer)
I would like to express my deep thanks to Doctor Kaz SUTO for the healing you provided. I suffered many regular back pains, affecting my spine (neck, lumbar…).Before coming to your clinic, I was a bit skeptical about the chances of success, as I had already visited many doctors in the past. What I thought would be just another medical treatment turned out to be much more than this. Healing at SHC is all about human confidence, respect, communication and healing of course! Our life's are stressful, a permanent rush against time and one will be surprised by the benefits of taking a bit of time to listen to their body and mind. Kaz, you helped me do all of that! Since I was treated at SHC, I have changed so many little things in my life that seemed of no importance. My back pain has gone, so from the bottom of my mind and my body, thank you very much Doctor SUTO!
C. C. (Housewife)
This is my first experience with this type of chiropractic care. I have been a patient of chiropractic therapy for 45 years but of a type that more forcefully moves the bones into place. This type used here at Suto is a more gentle, massaging way of relaxing the muscles that allows the body's frame to be in alignment. Dr.Yamada-san can also help heal and maintain our problem areas by teaching exercises which strengthen the weak areas. The sessions has relieved the tenseness I had through the shoulders and neck areas. My hip seems to be more stubborn but has slowly improved.
C. D. (Banker)
Dear Hiroshi When I first came to see you at the beginning of June 2012 I brought some very big problems with me. Tingling sensations in my left shoulder and arm started to occur in January 2012 but over the course of the next three months those sensations developed progressively into discomfort, mild pain, strong pain and by the beginning of April 2012, very strong pain. I attended S.(assumed name) where they carried out X-Rays and an MRI scan. These disclosed three adjacent herniated intervertebral discs either side of and between C5 and C6 and the protrusions - the size of a baby’s finger - could be clearly seen pressing into my spinal cord. The diagnosis given was cervical radiculopathy. I was told by the S.’s orthopaedic surgeon “Your condition is inoperable and incurable”. I asked him what he could do for me and he offered me a prescription of painkillers. L.(assumed name) to be precise. Which did not work. Returning to his surgery in agony, he switched the medication to T.(assumed name) which made me feel awful and didn’t reduce the pain much either. So I abandoned S. and was recommended to visit an experienced orthopaedic surgeon at J.(assumed name) who examined me and looked at my X-Rays and MRI scan before telling me “Your condition will never improve although you may achieve pain-free periods”. He administered several strong injections but the relief was extremely short-lived so I asked him what else he could do to help. He pulled out his pad and wrote a prescription for L. I walked out. At this stage I was in so much pain I decided that I had to submit myself to surgery. My day-to-day existence was being ruined, at home, in the office, everywhere. Suffering this first major illness ever I woke up to the fact that your health is the platform on which the rest of your life is built and mine was falling apart. So I approached four surgeons to perform whatever procedure would rid me of this pain; two in Japan, one in the United States and one in the United Kingdom. All four of them declined to accept me as a patient for surgery. I was at the end of the road. Nowhere else to go. And in agony 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. My dear friend C.B.(assumed name) was very unhappy to see me in such distress and she kindly provided me with details of the Suto Healing Center and recommended you in particular. I had never been to a chiropractor before and did not know what it involved or even what to expect. I was therefore very nervous when I turned up at your clinic on 7th June 2012 for my first appointment. Ai-san greeted me warmly and you put me at my ease with simple and clear explanations of what you could do for me and what the treatment would cover. You kindly inspected the X-Rays and MRI Scan and with the benefit of your illustrated anatomy text you explained the structure of the spine and the related muscle groups and the interaction between the two and what happens when discs become herniated. You said you were prepared to try your best and if we work together it should be possible to achieve some improvement in my condition. After this helpful introduction you gave me a big bright smile and said “Shall we begin?” I could have cried. After all the negative and unhelpful treatment I received (or didn’t receive) from doctors and surgeons on three continents, here was somebody saying ; let’s give it a shot, I think we can make some progress here. You showed me exercises and advised me on my posture and following your instructions was my side of the bargain, which I did. For your part, you worked on me patiently and diligently with extreme care and attention but most of all with huge dedication and commitment. I felt my pain was your pain. I have never experienced such empathy in my life. And so we got started. Through June, July and August 2012, I became a regular visitor to Suto Healing Center and over that time, we saw my condition improve. Slowly. But incrementally. Small steps each time but the pain levels were coming down. And down. And down. Until we reached zero in the second week of August 2012. During these months I looked forward more and more to my visits; seeing Ai-san’s cheerful face and having a lovely chat with her. I had the honour of meeting Kazu whose guiding spirit cradles SHC and everyone in it and of course Hisae, whose energy, charm and good humour are a tonic to the soul. It became a real pleasure to see I had a Suto appointment in my calendar that day and the thought of seeing you all put a smile on my face. You are a magnificent practitioner. You are a giant among men. Your heart is the size of the world and your skills know no limits. You are my hero. I owe to you the joy of having my life given back to me. I do not know how to thank you adequately but I do so from the bottom of my heart. With huge respect, gratitude and love.
S.W. (Psychotherapist)
Dear Hiroshi-san Thank you very much for helping me with my lower back, neck and shoulder pain. The 6 sessions I had with you have really helped me enormously. I feel so much better now. I also found your clinic environment very peaceful and it was a pleasure to be treated by someone as calm and soothing as yourself. Each visit was like coming to a sanctuary. I think you have created a very special place. I shall definitely recommend Suto Healing Center to others. You provide an exemplary service. Kind regards,
M.L. (Mother of 1 child)
I was recommended to Suto Healing Centre in June 2014 by a friend, as I was suffering from almost daily headaches due to my centre line being “off” after a tooth was extracted. It was beginning to affect my daily life as constant headaches would. Thank goodness for that recommendation! After carefully listening to my explanation of my pain, Dr Hiroshi set to work, balancing, with very gentle manipulations that made such a huge difference. After that first visit my headaches subsided dramatically, as the nerves in my neck were no longer being pinched. After each successive visit, the headaches diminished to practically nothing. Each treatment is followed by an explanation of what was “wrong” and how it was corrected, along with exercises that would help in between visits. Such care and attention, such dedication: I cannot recommend Suto Healing Centre enough! Thank-you so much!
H.W. (Mother of 4 children)
I recently moved to Tokyo from the United States of America where I had been receiving chiropractic care for almost 18 months due to a disc injury in my back. I wanted to keep current with my therapy, so I decided to research chiropractors near my home, and decided on Suto Healing Center. I am so glad I did. The kind of chiropractic therapy I have been receiving from Dr. Hiroshi is different than the kind of care I had been receiving in the states. It is very gentle and I feel very relaxed after each session. The flexibility of my spine has improved very much, which contributes to less stress and pain in my back--and not only my lower spine where I have an injured disc, but also my upper back, neck, and shoulders where I carry much of my stress. Dr. Hiroshi has taught me stretches to do at home to keep myself healthy in between visits. I am exceptionally pleased with the combination of Eastern and Western care available at Suto Healing Center. I feel that I get a lot of personalized care and that I am not rushed in and out of the office. English is spoken very well at Suto Healing center, which makes it possible for me to receive care here, and to refer my friends here. I am happy to not have to arrange for childcare for my son when I have my appointments. I can always bring my 3 year old and he can come into the treatment room with me or be cared for in the front office area. I would highly recommend Dr. Hiroshi and Suto Healing Center to anyone needing chiropractic treatment for stress, soreness, pain, or spinal misalignment!
I called Doctor Hiroshi-San in big despair – I just came back from a short run (7 km) and was suffering very intense pain around my right hip and my lower back. I was almost not able to walk anymore yet step on the leg which was hurting. I got an appointment on the very same day. Doctor Hiroshi-San was not only listening very carefully to my problem but was also trying to figure out if the inflammation was connected to my life in general (I had recently moved to Tokyo so there were many changes happening at the time). This was something I had never experienced so far. I was used to doctors who would prescribe me painkillers without considering any other reasons which could be related to the pain. Also it was my first chiropractic experience. Due to the inflammation in my hip joint my whole back was stiff and tense but already after the first treatment I felt a slight improvement which might be linked to the fact that I got helpful advice regarding muscle stretching. (I run almost every day and I never stretched my muscles enough.) During the treatment with Doctor Hiroshi-San I refrained from running, but was still allowed to swim, cycle and crossfit. After six sessions I felt no more pain at all and my overall condition improved a lot with neither neck nor back pain. Two weeks after the treatment I ran a half marathon – without suffering from any pain at all! I am very grateful for Doctor Hiroshi-Sans help and I can only highly recommend Suto Healing Center. Not only because of the excellent medical treatment but also because as a patient you really feel in good hands there. People there really give you the impression that they care for you and will give their best to make you feel better.
F.P.(Medical Doctor)
After giving birth to my first baby, I have been suffering from severe middle and upper back pain, so intense that I wasn’t able to hold my baby more than 15 minutes. I visited Suto Healing shortly after we arrived in Tokyo and I was greeted with a very warm welcome from Hiroshi-san and his lovely wife Ai-san. After I explained in detail my problem and how and when it began, Hiroshi-san started the treatment which wasn’t anything like the chiropractic treatment I’ve had before, his treatment didn’t involve bone cracking and it was very comfortable, paying great attention to each aching part. After 3-4 sessions I felt much better and after 2-3 months I had long periods of time when I didn’t feel any pain at all, I felt normal again. One year after we moved to Tokyo I had an accident resulting in hip injury, and it was very difficult for me to walk or exercise. I underwent physiotherapy but it didn’t have any result so I consulted Hiroshi-san. He explained to me what he believed to be the problem and started treating my hip as well as my back problems. He also suggested particular exercises that I should do at home. Within one month of intense therapy and home exercises, the pain disappeared and I could walk normally again and go to gym. Now, I am at the point of having treatment once in 3 weeks for maintaining my health and balance. Thank you Hiroshi-san for being not only my chiropractor but also my close friend. We enjoyed the company of you and your lovely family and we will miss you all very much.
L.W.(Mother of 6 years old boy)
Both my son and I see Dr. Yamada and have seen great improvement in our health both physically and mentally. He is an amazing practitioner with a very holistic approach and treats the patients as a "whole" rather than just fixing a specific part. I always come away from my sessions feeling relaxed and well balanced. My son also enjoys his cranial sacral session with Dr.Yamada and I have seen great improvement in his moods and over all wellbeing. I would highly recommend Dr. Yamada to anyone looking for a gentler and more holistic approach to chiropractic/osteopathic care for both children and adults alike.
D.L.(Teacher and Mother of 2 children)
Since moving to Tokyo 3 years ago, we have come to visit Suto Healing Center many times. Yamada-san is a very thorough and caring chiropractor especially with children. Thanks to Suto Healing Center we have been able to maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit whilst living in Tokyo. (Also thanks to Ai for teaching my kids puzzles and reading to them.) Also, my son has charcott marie tooth syndrome which can cause muscle tightness. Chiropractic care has been helpful to treat and maintain his condition.

Bio-energy Therapy
( female, thirties, housewife, U.S.A.)
My first session with Vivian was strictly a healing session. I was a little reluctant to open up and didn't want to talk at all. I wasn't sure what bio-energy was all about and what it could do for me. Slowly, I began to trust Vivian and our sessions became half conversing and half an energy healing treatment. Eventually, I completely opened up telling Hisae Vivian my most intimate secrets. This was when my healing began. Vivian worked to energize my charkas that were sadly depleted and to protect my aura. Gradually changes occurred. Within a few months, I was showing signs of improvement. I had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer 8 years previously and had a relapse 3 years later. I had done two courses of Chemotherapy and was just finishing a Tamoxifen regiment. My abdominal pain was less severe and I had more energy. I was also beginning to deal with my feelings and to share and open up with others. It was during this time that I realized that Hisae Vivian wasn't only physically healing me, she was also emotionally healing me. I had suppressed many feelings over the course of my illness and now some light was being shed on them. I have been seeing Hisae Vivian for over two years now and I can hardly remember my former self. I am pain free, have much more energy and am far more open and in tune with my feelings. My disease is a thing of the past and no longer imprisons me. Six months ago, I moved to the United States but I still continue my sessions with Vivian by telephone. Vivian continues to amaze me. Even without physically seeing me, she knows how I am feeling and what is going on in my world. One of the greatest things to have come out of my sessions is that Vivian has empowered me. She has made me believe that I am powerful and that I too can heal myself. She taught me to listen to my body, to trust my intuition and to trust the universe to make all well. She has taught me healing techniques so that I can sense my charkas, can be aware of my hara line and can center myself to restore balance. Thus, while Vivian continues to heal me, I too, can play an active and important role in my well being.
(female, fifties, kindergarten teacher, U.S.A)
You have been life changing for me! It has nothing to do with my will, necessarily, but rather, my divine path. I am happy not to have control over that as it is like awaking my next 'course' at the dinner of my life! Thank you for your support and help to find meaning and purpose in my life.